Marla Bendini
“Marla Bendini” was created in 2007 as an amalgamation between art and life, to explore multiple liminal identities and fluidity in perspectives. Her multidisciplinary approach towards this amalgamation has become a signature form of hypervisibilty, using the existing politicized body as a catalyst and vehicle for further discourse. She seeks to both engage and disarm audiences and to bridge the present to what she envisions to be an inevitable trans/post-human condition. Her first self-titled exhibition “Marla.” (2008) was presented in a transsexual bar in Pattaya, Thailand. Sponsored by, Asia’s largest LGBT portal, she presented "Conversations between father and son" (2010), a multimedia installation- performance over 10 days, supported by The Substation Gallery, Singapore. She exhibited and performed in Supermarket 2012, Stockholm Independent Art Fair, sponsored by Riksutställningar / Swedish Exhibition Agency. Artist’s link -